Frequently Asked Questions

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a medicine that Originated in China over 5,000 years ago. Practitioners insert hair thin needles into specific Acupuncture Points to stimulate or move Qi in their patients.

Who can receive Acupuncture? Everyone from birth to death can benefit from Acupuncture treatments. This includes newborns, infants, toddlers, kids, teens, young adults, adults, and seniors. Animals can also be treated by a Veterinarian Acupuncturist.

Do the needles hurt? Patients vary in their response to this. Most people do not feel the needles at all, while others feel their insertion for a moment.

How long do I have to go to treatment? Most patients report wanting to come in every week because it feels so good! Initially we see our patients once or more a week for a few weeks. Then based on what serves you best, this can change to once a week, once a month, once every few months, or as needed.

Will my insurance cover it? Most insurance companies do cover Acupuncture. Please contact your insurance provider.

What is “Qi”? Qi can be thought of as a “life force”. We can witness evidence of its existence all around us, or lack thereof. It is not so much a tangible thing, as it is that which allows life to express itself.

What is Qi Gong? The use of posture, breath, and focus to return the body to its natural state of well being. Qi can be translated as “life force” and Gong is translated as accomplishment or skill developed through practice. It is the basis beneath all martial arts.

Why would I do Qi Gong? Those who practice Qi Gong notice improved mental and physical health within a few weeks. A reduction in stress and pain, an ability to think more clearly, improved balance and coordination, better sleep and digestion are all results we have witnessed personally.

What is Reiki? A Japanese energy healing system that allows for internal shifts to occur within the patient. Our patients have noticed a much deeper sense of relaxation and ease with treatment. They have also noted a noticeable reduction in pain, improved sleep and mood, and a reduction in the symptoms they came to us with.