
What did you come to acupuncture for?

“I went to a couple of group sessions to see what it was like. I felt very calm after it was over, talked to David afterwards and decided to continue with individual sessions.”

What did you experience?

“I personally noticed that I was able to handle the stress in my life better – it also helps that David “talks” you through the session – asking questions to get to the “root” of the issues. I‘ve also had some arm pain that we’ve been working on. The acupuncture has seemed to help. My wife has noticed the change in me after I’ve had a session – she says I am more calm at home – she reallyenjoys that!”

Would you recommend acupuncture?

“I do and I have to…… some of whom have taken advantage of David’s services. I keep talking it up because it’s helped me and makes me feel good.”


What did you come to acupuncture for?


I came to see you because I was recommended by…. I was still having issues with my left hand. It was the best decision I ever made.”

What did you experience?

“I learned from this experience about relaxation, that faith in choices, good choices will make a difference in my life. We humans don’t always see how we affect our lives, our futures. I have so many good responses, movement of the hand now and I thank you.”

Would you recommend acupuncture?

“I have recommended….to see you and I definitely will recommend others to see you.”


What did you come for?

“I came to find better way to deal with anxiety and anger over my fertility problems”

What did you experience?

“I gained an overall sense of peace, the ability to control my anxiety and I am dealing better with  my relationship issues.”

Would you recommend acupuncture to a friend?

“Yes! Yes! Yes!  People would be foolish not to do this! David is great, professional and sincere!


What did you come to acupuncture for?

“We brought my mother for relief from anxiety.”

What did you experience?

“Mother is more relaxed and can work with the rehab experts. She is now standing, changing seats, walking with no more tears.”

Would you recommend acupuncture?

“yes – very much.”


What did you come to acupuncture for?

“Consistent pain in the right wrist”

What did you experience?

“Presently about 80% of pain is gone.”

Would you recommend acupuncture?

“Yes – very much”


What did you come to acupuncture for?

“I came to acupuncture to see if the relaxing effects of it could help me with the urinary/bladder problems I was experiencing….The acupuncture experience has been a positive one in more ways than one. The things I have learned about the body and the effects of water vs. soda and stress vs relaxation, etc have been very helpful in gauging my activities of late.”

What did you experience?

“ I have been able to sleep more relaxed and the effects on my bladder control have been improved. I can’t say my urinary problems have been solved, but I feel my general health has been improved.”

Would you recommend acupuncture?

“Yes! The acupuncture experience has certainly been a positive one for me and I would recommend it to anyone”

What did you come to acupuncture for?

“I had a post nasal drip for over 8 months that started with a cold. Conventional western medicine did little to improve my condition long term. I had seen 3 different EMT doctors. After having steroids, acid reflux medicine, 5 antihistamines and 5 different nasal sprays prescribed to me, I really was not any better.”

Did the treatment help me?

“Yes, after my 2nd treatment I saw improvement. Dave made suggestions on changes I needed to make to my diet and my life style which I think helped with the improvement……I like his holistic approach. I still have considerable mucus in the mornings and after I eat or drink anything. Some days are better than others, but my condition has over all improved. I still use 2 nasal sprays daily.”

Would you recommend treatment?

“Yes, I am hoping for 100% improvement over time. I am now at about 80-85%. My treatment has been successful and I learned about the eastern viewpoint on illness and proactive treatment. The acupuncture does not hurt and was definitely beneficial for me.”